Jennifer Walworth

English and History Faculty

With majors in English and History and a minor in Religious Studies, Jennifer Walworth brings a wealth of experience to her role as a Humanities teacher. In addition to her BA and MAT from Willamette University, she also holds a Masters in Literature from the University of Montana. While she’s taught students ranging from kindergarten through 12th grade, high school is her favorite age. In terms of courses, she loves teaching American Literature, pretty much any Shakespeare play, and how to tackle a personal essay. When she’s not working with students, Jennifer likes to garden, cook, read, hike, and take very short naps.

Steven Sinskichott

Science Faculty

As a seasoned science teacher, Steven Sinskichott has taught everything from biology to physics, river ecology to geology. A transplant from San Antonio, Steven Sinskichott has a BS in Biology from University of Texas, Austin, and his professional and personal ethos center on compassion and empathy. Steven maintains an abiding affection for Montana, cultivated in part during annual family road trips to the Yaak Valley. Besides sharing scientific investigations with students, Steven also spends time working with his hands. He can fix and build almost anything–if given enough time.

Tayleigh Sykes

World Language and English Faculty

Tayleigh Sykes began her teaching career as a ninth and eleventh grade English teacher but soon added French and AP English to her course load. Having graduated from UM with a BA in English and French in 2008, she participated in the prestigious Montana Writing Project in 2010. Tayleigh has developed curricula for several classes, including Publications and French, and she loves introducing her students to the cooking and music of French-speaking countries. An introvert by nature, she can be nudged into playing charades once a year–otherwise, she’s more likely to spend her free time doing jigsaw puzzles.

Rose Dickson

English Faculty

Rose Dickson earned her BA in English and Environmental Studies as well as her secondary teaching certificate from UM in 2014. Since then, she’s worked with young people as a writing instructor for the Missoula Writing Collaborative, a student teacher in Willard’s alternative program, and a judge for the NCTE literary magazine program. Rose values bringing modern voices into her classroom, and all her courses–including Creative Writing, Publications, and World Literature–provide students access to both traditional and contemporary influences. In her spare time, Rose enjoys walking her dog, baking cake, and reading.

Elizabeth ZurMuehlen

Math and History Faculty

Elizabeth ZurMuehlen has lived in Missoula her entire life, and her family has been in Montana for four generations. After earning her BA in Mathematics and History from UM in 2001, Elizabeth went on to receive her MA in Secondary Education in 2007. At home in both math and history settings, Elizabeth has designed courses as wide-ranging as Geometry, Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Modern Middle Eastern History, and Montana History. In addition to experience as a classroom teacher, she has also run her own math tutoring company since 2018. Fun fact about Elizabeth: she was a member of Montana’s first ever under-14 competitive girls soccer team.