We believe the driving force behind strong community is relationship.

Clark Fork Prep’s commitment to the whole child means we consistently prioritize relationship-building. When teenagers are in a school setting that celebrates them, they can achieve more than they thought possible. And when the adults have invested in them, students show up, work hard, and experience success.

We develop relationships with each other every day and in myriad ways. For instance, our connections with each other are strengthened through individual writing conferences, on day-long field trips during Immersives, and in conjunction with service learning projects.

Relationships take center stage when teachers guide students toward appropriate course selection, when students receive individualized college counseling, and when teachers and students meet during office hours. In short, we build relationships into everything we do.

Students at CFP are encouraged to grow in their agency and identity, and their teachers help support this growth. Our culture of community creates a positive school climate, which leads to success for everyone–socially, emotionally, and academically.